Thursday, May 12, 2011

Create a Cook and Harpoon Brewery Beer and Food Pairing Event

Not our normal Friday Shenanigans... 

I work part time at an awesome cooking school called Create a Cook. We put on a special event partnering up with Harpoon Brewery.

I figured after several outings with Dave, getting to know his adoration of all things Beer, this would be the most fun thing ever in his life. Ever.

And I was right.

I brought him down for this night time event, and Doug rode the train out from Boston and met us. We were there early since I was trying my best to help out. I knew Jo, Sam, Lily and everyone else would be busting their butts cooking so I wanted to do as much as I could otherwise to help. The Harpoon dudes showed up, and we got everything set up. The crowd started to file in, and the food started to come out. The food was specifically designed to be paired up with beers picked by the craft brewers at Harpoon, and some of the dishes were made with different beers. 

Dave and Doug on the left, sampling food and talkin' beer with the brewers
Dave was indeed in his glory, talking ABV and IBUs and Leviathan Quad and all sorts of stuff with the guys. They brought an unexpected batch of their Founders Rye and that was so nice. By the end of the night, I don't think anyone cared which beer went with which dish. Dave was having a blast talking to people, and challenging the brewers to mix different beers together. He would then bring them to other event attendees and see if they could figure out the mixes. 

Everyone had a great time. The next morning, Dave wasn't up for our regular weekly shenanigans. We wore him out that much. 


  1. Sad i missed out this beer brewing event. I would love to be there with others and with my gang. I hope all had gr8 time out.

  2. Thanks Sandra - it was a ton of fun. we'll do it again in the fall, or at least that's the rumor. if you haven't already done so -- sign up for the email blasts at

    thanks for stopping by! how'd you find the blog?
