Saturday, September 4, 2021

Shenanigans with Dave update for 2021


Hey, Shenanifans if you're still out there. Cheers.

It's been almost 5 years since I've posted here. Talking with a good friend recently, I decided to revive the blog and update the world on our beer tasting journey. 

I had let posting to Untappd take over, the same way Facebook I let and Twitter took over from me posting in my actual blog. If you are on Untappd, find me there at clgeiger01834. Let's be friends.

About 6 or so years ago, we both (Doug and I) found out we had really high A1C readings and started to clean up our act. Beer and pasta were basically eliminated from our lives. Sadly. 

We got things under control and we've dabbled back into the carby goodness of beer and breweries while keeping bread/pasta products at a very long arm's distance. 

As a sign I saw in Connecticut said "I'm saving my carbs for beer.

We moved to Maryland in September 2017. My job offered me "transfer or maybe go find another job." We opted to take the transfer. Sometimes I think I should have fought back harder to be a remote employee (I mean, look at us now in the middle of the pandemic, like, fully remote and proving we're great at it) but Doug was ready for a change. Other factors worked into the move. Our eldest, Jess, had moved out and was living with friends. The youngest, Geoff, was still living with us, and while he was displeased with the concept of moving he realized he couldn't live solo back home. So he joined us, and  the three of us set off to the south for adventure. 

It's been pretty good here, I'm not in love with the weather (too damn hot) but I like my job, and wanted to keep it. 

While it was sad to leave Massachusetts, where we'd made our home since forever, moving to Maryland opened some new opportunities for both of us and for our son. So life is pretty good.

The beer scene in this area is pretty good, and I want to share these beers with you all. 

So since 2017 we've been to a lot of breweries. I thought about back-filling posts to go over places we've been several times but will keep things going forward. And just a little bit of looking backwards. 

The photo here, I took on the front porch of the house on March 13, 2020. How do I know that exact date? It was the last day I was in my office. They sent us home that afternoon and let us know not to come back in until further notice. So, I sat on the porch pondering what was going to come thanks to the Coronavirus, Covid-19, the plague. And I raised my glass in cheers to all. 

I didn't check in on Untappd for this one, so I have no idea what's in the glass. Suffice to say, it was probably pretty great. 

And here we are.

Another note, I have not really caught up with Dave (the original Shenanigans cohort) in quite a bit. I should do that too.

Alright then. Here we go with some updates, some beers, lots of pictures, and some fun. 

I hope all's well with anyone reading this. 

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