Friday, March 18, 2011

The Grog in Newburyport

Not our first Friday out together, but the first day that I remembered to bring my camera. We headed over to The Grog, and took seats at the corner of the bar to hold court.

The weather outside was unpleasant, so people watching was no fun. The bar didn't have a lot of patrons, so we had the attention of the lovely English barmaid pretty much to ourselves. A few regulars came in, gents in what I will guess is their 60s. They sat on the other side of the beer pulls, and we wondered what their deal was that they could come out for beer and lunch.
One ordered a PBR in a can.

Now, I'm not a snob. I have greatly enjoyed my share of PBR in a can. But when you're sitting in front of beer pulls for Sierra Nevada, Victory, Guinness, Bass, and many other perfectly wonderful brews, why on earth would you get a PBR? Scandalous!

The Grog does "beer takeovers" where a brewer will basically be featured in a big way for the month. This particular month, it was Abita Beer. I enjoyed a bottle of their Purple Haze beer. It was a raspberry wheat, very gentle, and almost like a soda.

Lunch was tremendous. If you have never been, they are well known for their Lobster Bisqu, which I had a beautiful bowl of. Dave ordered Buffalo Wings, and had at least one Guinness, one Black and Tan, one Newcastle Brown Ale, and what he refers to as his "nap" beer, Wachusett Blueberry.

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